I read book called ''THE Firebird '' this book was written missing.
Iwill give my kingdom to whoever catches it half when the bird is caught ,
*whoever :~する人は誰でも(toの目的語なので、whoeverが正しいが会話などではwhoeverを用いることが多い)
Forgive me for killing your horse
*forgive for:..許してください (~したことをゆるす)
he couldn't resist trying to take it .
*couldn't resist ~ing :~しないではいられない
they took him to the tsar ,who again reprimanded lvan for trying to stearl
*reprimand ..for~について~を叱責する
lven walkd away with the firebird and the real horse with the gold mane ,
*walk away with :~を持ち逃げする(楽勝する、賞品をさらうという意味もある)
whereas they had found nothing.
Every thing was explained to the tsar who was very angry with Dmitry and Vasiliy.
*every thing was explained to~:すべてが~に説明された
This book was slightly difficult.
Thanks! I don't understand what you mean by "was written missing."
返信削除sorry! 「An author is unknown」 do you understand?
返信削除I can understand what your wrote but I think "The author is unknown" or "I don't know the name of the author" are better.