
I read a called“the snow queen”
This book was written aris.
* they would play by the river together ,
(よく~したものだった)【このwould は過去に繰り返し行われた行動を表す】
*kay looked out the swirling.
*Kay was like a different boy from that day on.
:from that day on
She folded her fur coat around him .
:fold ..around~
*he felt as though he were sinking into a snow drift.
:as though
*they searched for him high and low
: high and low
*that she could not even cry .
: could not even cry
*the river would not take the shoes and the waves washed them back on the shore
: would not
: washed them back on the shore
*wearing next to nothing .
(ほとんどなにもきていない) 【next to ..は否定前に来ると ほとんど の意味】
*if they find their way into your eye
*you see everything good as evil
This story is a dream come true.

I read a called”apples of Idun “
This book was written benjamin.

So they took with them the god of mischief,
*took ..with mischief,
They then quickly prepared afire and set about roasting the bear because
* set about(~にとりかかる)
He found it cold and uncooked .
* found it cold and uncooked .
He looked at the others in wonder
* in wonder
and he ordered the eagle to let the meat be cooked
*order ..to~
but the eagle said it would only do this if it were allowed to eat its fill first
* only do this if it were allowed to eat its fill first
Only ..if~
So in a few seconds
You dirty bag of feathers
(羽のはえたずだ袋め)【ワシをののしっていった文句】dirty は汚い
Loki tried to let but magic tied him to the branch
He hung Loki over a sheer ten mile drop
(hang ..over~ ..を~の上に吊りあげる)
Want you to do something
I’ll take you back to your friends .
* take you back to your friends .
So that no one would know ..
The council was thrown into an uproar
* was thrown into an uproar
He found her was locked away in a tower .
* locked away in
(無理やり 閉じ込められた)

I think this story write a tragedy.

I read a called ”Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby”
This book was written by African-American
*Tar Baby didn’t say a word ,which was to be expected because it was not alive .
:which was to be expected
(それは当然だ )(このwhich は前の文全体をうける関係代名詞)
*And so Brer Rabbit lost his patience he punche the Tar Baby in the face and his paw sank into the tar and wouldn’t loose.
: come loose
*’’give me back my paw ,or I’ll punch you again ‘’
(さもないと)【命令文の後のorはotherwiseや or elseと同じ意味】
*he kicked the Tar Baby with all his might
:with all his might
(力いっぱい 全力をつくして)
*what about it I hang you?
:what about it
*I could also drown you “said Brer Fox.
:I could also drown you
could は仮定法 drownは「溺れさせる溺死させる」)
*so he took Brer Rabbit head by the feet
: took Brer Rabbit head by the feet
(ウサギドンの両足をつかんだ)take ..by ~で(~の..をつかんだ)
Byはつかんだ体の場所を示し〈the +部位〉となる
*Brer Fox looked up to see Bere Rabbit sitting further up the hill,
: looked up to see

This story is afraid of a behavior.

I read a called“the pied piper of Hamelin ”
This book was written wood ward .

They have given up and left
He was tall and thin and he was dressed in every color of the rainbow .
* was dressed in
* every color of the rainbow .
The next morning began like any other morning .
* like any other
Its soothing melody floated through the city
* floated through
All the rats stopped what were doing and perked up their ears to listen.
* perked up their ears
Once back on land
Said the mayor sheepishly
* sheepishly
There they danced and sang and followed the brightly colored stranger out of the town through the blue of the early morning
* brightly colored stranger
a lame boy
The mountains echoed with their grieving
* echoed with

The end in this book is a bit enigmatic.


I read book called ''THE Firebird '' this book was written missing.

Iwill give my kingdom to whoever catches it half when the bird is caught ,

*whoever :~する人は誰でも(toの目的語なので、whoeverが正しいが会話などではwhoeverを用いることが多い)

Forgive me for killing your horse
*forgive for:..許してください (~したことをゆるす)

he couldn't resist trying to take it .
*couldn't resist ~ing :~しないではいられない

they took him to the tsar ,who again reprimanded lvan for trying to stearl
*reprimand ..for~について~を叱責する 

lven walkd away with the firebird and the real horse with the gold mane ,
*walk away with :~を持ち逃げする(楽勝する、賞品をさらうという意味もある)

whereas they had found nothing.

Every thing was explained to the tsar who was very angry with Dmitry and Vasiliy.
*every thing was explained to~:すべてが~に説明された

This book was slightly difficult.


 I read a book called"corduroy makes a Cake "This book was written by Alison Inches
                                                                       Illustrations by Allan Eitzen  
  Based on the characters created by Don freeman 
The story is doll of the bear prepares the cake into the girl on a birthday.
when I make it rolled up in various cases .

* He added the eggs and water 
*the batter hit the walls
hit the walls :壁にぶちあたる
* He ran into sewing room 
sewing room :裁縫室
*everyone blew party horns
horns :だます 


I read a book called"THE Kidnappers "This book was written by Alex Brychta.

Kipper sat up and rubbed his eyes.
*sat up ---起き上がる
*rubbed his eyes--目を勢いよくこする
It was fun on top of the bus.
*on top of ---〜の上に

KIpper had an autograph

this story is child goes to the bear country .

It deteat a bad guy in the country.


I read a book called"McFeeglebee's Pond "This book was written by Carol Moore .

This book story was excited.

slimy: ぬるぬるした
It sloshed out of that pond with its slimy scales,
Of fishing I'm particularly fond.
bab :揺れる
All of a sudden with a bob and a jerk,
whiskers: ひげ
Its whiskers alone were a foot long!
seething: (波などで)泡立つ
The water seething and boiling, turned bright red then dark as that grisly catfish became a shark.


I read a book called"shooflies"
This book was written by Thomas Mitton.

This story is for a favorite horse, do a pleasant thing.

off and on :時々
getting off and on would only make it worse.

causin : 引き起こす,原因,根拠、
Still the Blue Jay stayed blue, causing ever greater disagreement -- until in the fifth year the whole world turned blue.

broke out: 起こる
Sti'Tumma started chuckling, and then broke out in laughter!